Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Peace of God

I really wanna make this a habit because I have so much to say. Not that anyone will necessarily be listening, its just nice to get it off my chest.

There will be absolutely no theme to this post.. just some things I want the world to have the opportunity to hear my opinions on some controversial issues. Every voice counts, right?

First of all every view I have will come from a firmly Christian standing. God has had an amazing influence in my life, and I will never understand those who simply do not believe in His existence. That is just ludicrous to me! This God who has in every way blessed and led me in my life. There are not words to fulfill the magnitude of my thankfulness. I understand people only blind themselves to the truth, but I hate it for those who have not had the Peace of God which passeth all understanding. Those who have not been impacted by the Word of God which is sharper than any two edged sword. Because these words describe it perfectly, the acts of God's hand in my life is supernatural!

I came across something today that scared me. Someone I have known from the past posted something so... disgusting and disrespectful towards my SAVIOUR! It saddened me. How can you disrespect the very God who gave you LIFE! And you use that life to blaspheme His very Name and Word.

My opinion: People who choose to be mad at God, or to not believe in Him, are selfish.
They are not getting their way and they have to blame it on someone. Why not God?

News flash! God can save you from all your problems if you choose to walk in His way. But God is NOT a wishing well! Just because He has not answered every single one of your self centered prayers, does not mean He does not love you! The peace of God comes from having a servants heart. You find happiness in other's happiness. In bringing other's happiness. In bringing God glory, you find fulfillment. It is beyond our own understanding!

I wish others could see how He has saved me from myself in so many ways. But I regret not listening to Him earlier. For not submitting, and putting Him first earlier! Do not be stupid like I was. Lay it all down before the Lord. Yield to HIS Holy Spirit, truly SEEKING God from your heart! And see for yourselves His amazing Peace like a river!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Speaking with Kindness

"The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips. Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones."

Such a little member is what God calls the tongue, but great blessings and great evils flow therefrom. The virtuous woman speaks with kindness (Prov. 31:26).

What form of ministry are you using your words for? Are they for the teaching, admonition, and exhortation of your fellow man? Are you letting the Word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom? Whatsoever ye do, is it in the name of Lord Jesus Christ? (Col.3:16-17)

The Bible speaks multitudes on Godly wisdom. In the verse from Proverbs 16 it says "the heart of the wise teacheth his mouth" it also says pleasant words are sweet, they bring forth healing. Colossians 3:12&13 says to "put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved , bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye."

I have an earlier blog post on tale bearers. Another Proverb. It says words can be as wounds that cut to the innermost parts of the belly. There's a connection in this verse and the aforementioned verse in Colossians, bowels. The innermost part of the belly. The core of your being. How intricately interlaced our emotions are to who we are. This is the way God created us. Even those who do not believe in God cannot deny this simple humanistic truth. The Proverb speaks truth in the hurt words cause. Deep hurt. And the verse in Colossians is God's wisdom on the issue. If what we are made of (bowels) is mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, such deep hurt would not come about.

Kindness to one another is such a paramount attribute of Christians that has become TOO uncommon among us. We are no different than the children of this world. We don't even deserve to be known as Christians. It is important to separate ourselves from the the children of disobedience UNTO righteousness. We separate ourselves by obeying the commands God gave us, and if we cannot even be kind one to another what good are we?

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